Mar 27, 2021: Skip Pendleton Memorial St. George River Trip

The Skip Pendleton Memorial St. George River Trip is a sure sign of spring.  Skip passed away on 9/24/17 at age 84 and this was the fourth St. George trip in his honor.  For those who didn’t know him, Skip, who had a remarkable outdoor resume, never paddled whitewater until he was in his seventies.  He quickly developed strong paddling skills and adopted the George as his favorite river.  Four of us turned out for the event this year.  Fittingly, we consisted of two canoes and two kayaks as Skip was adept at both.  The weather was partly cloudy and a little cool, but everyone had a most excellent time.  Preoccupied with perpetually stimulating conversations, the flat water section quickly passed.  It was a treat catching eddies and surfing waves in the easy rapids.  Everyone had successful descents at Magog Chute.  It was a busy day on the river with groups ahead and behind us.  Think this might be the first official club paddle trip of the year. Looks like I beat the Eggster with the ice breaker….again.   Let the games begin.

Participants:  Helen Hess, Craig McKinnon, Jim Tierney, and TC.  Special thanks to Nancy Chase and Faryl Wiley for assisting with the shuttle.