Apr 27-29, 2023: Machias River

As usual, the spring Machias River trip came with an assortment of logistical problems.  And, although several people expressed interest, only Ken Gordon and I could connect all of the dots.  Gate closings prevented access to upper portions and bad weather left only a 3-day window of opportunity.  Ken and I persevered and met at Airline Rapids to run a shuttle to complete a trip from 3rd Lake to Holmes Falls.  For the first time in the 45 years I’ve been running the Machias, the Holmes Falls Road was gated.  Undaunted, we pivoted to a 3-day trip from the Airline to Smith Landing.  Our determination paid off as we had an excellent trip.  The weather and water level were outstanding.  We met a great group of six canoeists on day one and camped and navigated rapids with them throughout.  Ken and I used expedition kayaks and everything went well – another wonderful Machias trip.

Participants:  Ken Gordon and Ron Chase, TC

Apr 30 – May 4, 2022: Machias River

As anticipated, all of the necessary components for a spring trip on the Machias fell into place at the end of April and beginning of May.  The water level was moderately high, most of the roads were open, a quality five day weather forecast was predicted, ice was out on the lakes, and the dreaded blackflies had yet to appear.  Ken Gordon enthusiastically joined me but unfortunately several other interested Chowderheads were not able to participate during the narrow window of opportunity.  We decided on a trip from 3rd Machias Lake to Machias.  Ken and I both used expedition kayaks and they worked out great.  We enjoyed numerous wildlife sightings including a deer swimming near Holmes Falls and a young bear foraging along the shore above the confluence with Old Stream. Overall, it was a most excellent trip.  For more details, visit the Bangor Daily News link:  https://bangordailynews.com/2022/05/17/outdoors/paddling-maines-challenging-rivers-joam40zk0w/

Participants:  Ken Gordon and TC