2021 Spring Paddling and Covid Update

Hello Paddlers,

The PPCS trip schedule is now open, so it’s time to get out the boats.  We will be continuing to take appropriate precautions regarding the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

As always, the TC will have discretion in whether and how to run a given trip.  The size of the trip may be limited for safety. Less experienced paddlers may be excluded from more challenging runs so that rescues and the physical contact they require are less likely.  Please check in with the TC several days ahead of time regarding a scheduled trip.  And if you feel at all sick, do not come on a trip!

Participants should be responsible for their own shuttles, which should be arranged before arriving at the trip site.  Consider a bike shuttle, wearing masks in vehicles with open windows, or riding in the back of a truck.

Participants should wear a mask when in close contact (e.g. loading boats) to protect yourself and others, and for now, skip signing the trip release form.

Have fun and stay safe!


Helen Hess, President