Apr 5, 2022: Contoocook River

For many years, the Contoocook River in Henniker, NH has been a spring club favorite.  The Class II/III 2.5 mile run includes the exciting Freight Train Rapid which is a little more difficult.  Five seniors not acting their ages met to challenge their skills on an early spring trip at an excellent level, 6.5 on the gauge.  No ice cream headaches on this day.  Everyone was on their game.  Most of us enjoyed a second helping.  Sorry, no photo.  I somehow managed to lose them.

Participants:  Steve Fortin, Carolyn Young, Frank Yulling, Jean Miller & TC

Apr 18, 2021: Contoocook River, NH

For days, forecasters promised that the rains would come, and we would be joyful paddling New Hampshire and Western Maine Rivers Class III-IV. But Saturday’s scattered showers barely bumped up the river gauges and paddlable rivers were in short supply. Bill Stafford and I headed west to New Hampshire and joined Ryan to escort Mason Galway on his first run on the Contoocook. The gauge had risen overnight to 7.7, a medium level. There were nice surfing waves and fewer rocks than the 6.9 gauge level trip in March. With warm temperatures, it was a beautiful (sunnier than Maine) day on the river.

The Contoocook rapids are progressive starting with class II and building up to the Class III+ finale. As you can imagine, Mason in the Galway tradition didn’t need any warming up or escorting. He sailed down S-turn and Freight Train like an old pro. Only the TC got into trouble by investigating the bony river right line on an early rapid. He was lucky that the river gravel didn’t shave off his beard. We’re looking forward to a rainy season to flood us with paddling opportunities.

TC: Kenny DeCoster