Mar 31, 2024: St. George River

We had high water on the St. George River.  The Sheepscot was running a beefy 1800 which is the gauge I use to judge the George.  During the race the day before, 42 of 96 entrants DNF, so we were expecting a little more excitement than normal.  At the takeout, a Game Warden warned us to watch for pinned boats and lost gear.  He wasn’t exaggerating.  We must have passed a dozen badly damaged canoes and kayaks wrapped around debris and pinned in near impossible predicaments.  Ryan and Shweta paddled a raft so we collected gear along the way and they carried a racing kayak from the bottom of the last rapid to the takeout.  Oh, by the way, the river was great fun with moderate waves and a strong pushy current.  We stayed in our boats.

Participants:  Ryan & Shweta Galway (Raft), Paul Plumer (Canoe), Ken Gordon (Kayak) and Elderly TC Ron Chase (Kayak).