Jun 21-22, 2023: Eastern Egg Rock

Typically, the almost annual Eastern Egg Rock trip to visit the puffins began with confusion about the weather.  Initially, we had a near perfect forecast.  The night before, a prediction for fog raised its ugly head.  When six of us met at the Friendship Boat Landing, the weather was superb.  Our plan was to camp overnight, so we paddled four miles to the campsite on Black Island first.  Two members in the group, decided to remain in the area.  Although there were fog banks to our east and west, four of us had glorious conditions for our cruise to the rock.  Thanks to club member, Liv Ridley, who works on the rock, we knew the puffins were there.  As always, they were a treat.  Our return to Black was equally enjoyable.  Three of us spent the night while ex-president DeCoster logged in a 17 mile day and returned home.  Camping conditions were excellent but we awoke to dense fog.  During breakfast, we experienced a unique fog bow.  We outwaited the fog and paddled to Harbor Island for a trek across the island to cliffs on the west side.  From there, we returned to Friendship completing an exceptional two-day adventure visiting the puffins, experiencing a fog bow, and hiking the cliffs of Harbor Island.  

Participants:  Ellen Nelson, Mark Nelson, Jean Miller, Ken Gordon, Ex-president DeCoster, and TC Ron Chase