Oct 12, 2019: Norumbega Mountain

Participants:  TC Ron Chase, John Brower, Brent Elwell, Julia “Troad” Richmond, Dave Boyle, President Eggman DeCoster

My scheduled Fall Supper Trip was a bike ride on the Carriage Trails.  The problem, we had rain, fog, and wind and no one wanted to bike but me.  Someone mentioned a short hike instead.  Another wannabee hiker suggested Norumbega Mountain.  We had a plan.  By the time we arrived at the trailhead for Goat Trail, the rain had diminished to mist.  The steep aptly named Goat Trail was a bit slippery but the most remarkable aspect of the climb was that President Eggy established a new hiking fashion standard wearing his cap inside out.  Views at the summit were minimal but the stormy conditions had their own peculiar appeal. 

Descending gradually south on Norumbega Mountain Trail to the southern terminus of Lower Hadlock Pond, instead of completing the intended 3 mile loop, we decided to extend the trip by continuing around the far side of the pond.  In retrospect, I’m still not sure the cause.  Perhaps the provocative conversations initiated by Brent and Eggy distracted us.  Regardless, six experienced hikers carrying maps somehow managed to miss the Norumbega Connector Trail instead returning to the south end of Lower Hadlock Pond; completing an unanticipated circumnavigation of the entire picturesque body of water.  Free mileage was the cry!  Instead of a 3 mile loop, we completed a 5 mile double loop.  I got my bike ride in as I talked Eggster, John and Nancy into a cycle around Eagle Lake after.  For the rest of the story, visit my blog at http://www.rchase.bangordailynews.com/