Jun 3-4, 2023: Dead 4000 & 2400

Saturday – June 3 Participants:

K-1:  Brent Elwell, Devon Carter, Paul LeClerc, Charlie Berliant, Greg Winston and Ken Gordon

OC-1:  Kenny DeCoster

Inflatables:  Jeff Swett, Bryan and Alyssa Wolfe,  Ron and  Adam Chase

Sunday – June 4 Participants:

K-1:  Adam Chase, Ron Chase, Paul LeClerc, Ken Gordon

C-1:  Mason Galway

OC-2:  Peter and Iris Hubbard, Ryan Galway and Will

OC-1:  Kenny Decoster, Matt Briere, Dan House

Following two days of summer like weather the paddling weekend arrived wet, cold and windy but it didn’t deter the 19 boaters who showed up at The Forks for Saturday’s 4000 and Sunday’s 2400 releases.  Saturday’s 4000 provided great play opportunities and challenging big water rapids.  Weather conditions were good considering the windy and cool temperatures but the rapid pace of the trip kept everyone paddling and warm.  Other than a few occasional rolls all members had successful runs and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Sunday’s 2400 started with a scare when the shuttle was cancelled due to a lack of passengers, but paddlers arriving without shuttle reservations filled the quota.  Adam Chase volunteered to drive the van and also secured a driver to bring it back out.  The man of the day for sure.  He even provided a moose sighting on the drive to the put in.  The threat of rain and colder temps convinced us to shorten the trip so we started at the gravel pit instead of going all the way to the top.  The water level was excellent and provided paddlers an opportunity to have a more technical run with very pushy water.  There were a couple swims but paddlers were quickly rescued; Will even got to do some solo OC-1 paddling when he help reunite a boat and paddler. And the rain held off until we arrived at the take out – another great weekend on the Dead.