Jul 24, 2022: Kennebec River – Carry Brook to West Forks

There were several trips on the second day of the Summer Picnic Weekend.  Nancy and I organized a paddle on the Kennebec from Carry Brook to West Forks.  New member Ken Stickney met us at the ballfield for the shuttle to Carry Brook where we met a sizeable contingent of Chowderheads who had finished the fish flow in the gorge.  The group consisted of an assortment of kayaks, canoes, and inflatable boats.  Everyone successfully navigated large waves in Big Black Rapid.  From that point, it was different strokes for different folks.  Some surfed and played while others floated and socialized.  The weather was superb, the water level excellent, and the company even better.  A great way to end a to an exceptional weekend!

Participants:  Ken Stickney, Deb Harris, Allan Fuller, Krea Galway, Shweta Galway, Ryan Galway, Reid Anderson, Mike Fask, and TCs Nancy Chase and Ron Chase