Jul 10, 2021: Magalloway River, 1200cfs

This trip was the first time of the season at 1200 cfs.  I had paddled the prior two Saturdays at 900 cfs.  Paddling it three Saturdays in a row was due to the drought conditions that Maine has endured this year.  Nonetheless, this river has an incredible amount of play and one of the best shuttles of any river in Maine.  The first run of the season subjected us to an incredible number of trees in the river.  The start of the river had the most trees that I have ever seen and most were not in very good places.  However, most of these were removed before this trip started.  Another feature to be aware of are the number of fishermen on the river (the fishing is very good on this river!)  The weather was outstanding and bugs few. Surprisingly, there were few other boaters and we had the river pretty much to ourselves.   We had knocked ourselves out surfing and called it good after a couple runs.

Participants: TC Brent Elwell, Mark Nelson, Randy Berube, Julia Richmond and Kenny Decoster