Apr 8, 2023: Skip Pendleton Memorial St. George River Trip

The sixth annual Skip Pendleton Memorial St. George River Trip was held on a cool, breezy, but sunny day.  Eighteen paddlers in sixteen boats met at the takeout on Route 105 in North Appleton.  This was one of those rare days when river activities went very smoothly.  Everyone seemed to have an enjoyable experience and it was a swim-free event.  Many in the group retired to Thresher’s Brew Pub after.  We enjoyed a great day of paddling while recognizing an exceptional member from the past. 

Participants:  My count at the put-in was 18 people in 16 boats.  However, only the following 16 people signed the waiver form – Bruce Weik, Mike Eastman, John Lightner, Bud Gilbert, Andrew Kelly, Dave Boyle, Mike Bridges, Glen Widmer, Bob Price, Justin Schlawin, Merlin Schlawin, Helen Hess, Suzanne Cole, Gary Cole, Carolyn Atwood, and Ron Chase HOC (Herder of Cats)