Apr 3, 2021: Cathance Stream

Cathance Stream is a true gem of a class 4 creek as it is located entirely within the town limits of Topsham – no need to travel to the mountain for this run.  Ron Chase, Kenny DeCoster and I had a mid day start, having waited for temps to rise before meeting. The gage was at 2.5, which Ron described as being medium low, but all of the drops were fluid and we had plenty of water.  Although I was the TC for the trip, Ron did all of scouting as he is very familiar with all of the rapids and Kenny and I had not been on the river for several years.  Similar to previous trips this season on the Webb and Souadabscook there was a considerable amount of wood in the water and we scouted all of the blind drops to make sure that they were clean and safe to run.  One river wide strainer forced a portage but it was easily visible from upstream.  Everyone had good runs and enjoyed the first CL 4 trip of the season on this unique and challenging lowland creek.