Apr 16, 2022: Webb River (+.25 ft)

Disregarding the rainy weather forecast five Chowderheads (Gary and Suzanne Cole, Kenny DeCoster, Randy Berube and TC) showed up for a fine day of paddling on the Webb.  No rain.  Though the level was lower than the previous week, there was plenty of water in the steepest rapids and numerous surf waves to keep everyone busy.  The slightly lower level did result in some hidden rocks that were difficult to detect and provided some surprise hits but there were no swims or ice water rolls.  A piece of wood just before the first bridge, that had caused a swim last week, was slightly exposed and didn’t cause us any trouble.  Farther down the river, there is a large pine tree lying completely across the river.  We were able to paddle over it, but at lower levels it will require a portage and higher levels might result in a sticky hydraulic.  It is very visible on the right shore and not in the middle of a serious rapid.